Kailash Trekking - What Is The Kailash Pilgrimage?

The sacred Kailash Mountain is a pilgrimage destination for Buddhists and Hindus although the site might not be as familiar to people in the West it still attractions travelers who want to follow the route on the mountain’s sacred ground azithromycin online. 

On a Kailash tour travelers can follow the pilgrimage route circling Mt. Kailash, this route encompassing the holy mountain is called kora. The kora is a challenging Kailash trek which usually takes about 3 days depending on the pace you set for yourself. The entire Kora undertaken by adventurous travelers on Kailash tours covers 52km. The altitude of the Kailash trek ranges from 4600 meters to 5600 meters above sea level. Not only is the altitude a challenge and the distance covered but also the weather conditions which can be harsh.

Kailash trekking tours usually include sightseeing in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa and then motor transportation through Shigatse, Saga and Lake Manasaravor  before reaching Darchen, a village at the foot of Mt. Kailash and the starting point of the trek around the mountain. After the trek some Kailash tours continue on to other nearby sites.

A typical itinerary for the Kialash pilgrimage trek consists of the first day spent covering 11km from Darchen, through the Sarshung Valley where porters meet travelers and help to carry their provisions’ on yaks and horse back. On the first night travelers the Kialash trekking tour sleeps in a monastery guesthouse in Drirapuk.

On day 2 of the Kailash pilgrimage around the mountain trekking tours travel from Drirapuk to Dzultripuk, 22km, through the hardest stretch of the pilgrimage along the Dolma-la-pass. The trek enters the Lhachu Valley and follows the river until finally resting over night in Dzultripuk guest rooms.

The third and final day of the Kailash trek covers 11km from Dzultripuk back to the pilgrimage starting point in Darchen but not before visiting the famous Milarepa Cave and its temples and shrines.

You don’t have to be a Buddhist, Hindu or follower of the Jain or Bon faith to make the journey around Mt. Kailash. You just need a reliable tour operator, a sense of adventure and a love of pristine natural wonders, fresh air and the great outdoors.