Upcoming Business Events in Canmore

Are you working in Canmore, or just looking for some lucrative networking activities? Why don’t you join the Canmore Business Bureau? As a member you will learn about and participate in amazing opportunities, as well as rub shoulders with some of Canmore’s finest entrepreneurs. If you are from out of town, or need a change of space, you can make yourself at home by renting one of the many vacation rentals in Canmore Banff.

Below are some of the upcoming events hosted by the Business Bureau. You can check back weekly, as we are constantly updating our site with exciting new events!

Canmore Business After Hours: Why not drop in after work to meet new people, and foster healthy relationships to develop opportunities to build your local business. This is an extremely popular event, with lots of opportunities to network. There are also awesome door prizes to choose from!

When: Every third Monday of the month

Time: 5 to 7pm

Location: It’s hosted and held in different business locations throughout Canmore. Simply download the pdf if you are interested in attending or hosting the event.

Cost: Free

What to Bring: Remember your business cards, and open attitude, and a smile.

Canmore Business Learn @ Lunch: Come by on your lunch hour and use it for something more beneficial, than nutrition. At this event you can pick up tactical tools which you can apply immediately in your business. This event features business experts, and professional public speakers, who are willing to share their knowledge and experience with you. The setting is relaxed, informal, with excellent food, which continues to impress our attendees.

When: Last Friday of the month

Time: 12 to 1pm. Doors open at 11:30am for registration.

Cost: $20

What to Bring: Notepad, pen and an open mind.

Canmore Business Marketing Sessions: Are you looking to increase your marketing skills and establish new partnerships? Are you also looking to participate in marketing opportunities related to Travel Alberta and the Canmore Tourism Board? If this sounds intriguing to you, check out the Canmore Business eNews to receive notifications for exciting new marketing sessions.