British Columbia: The Home Of Heli Skiing

Heli skiing begins with a thrilling ride to the peak of a mountain in a helicopter to an untouched spot. From your drop-off point, you will choose your ski route down the slope. While not for the faint hearted, this type of skiing offers many advantages over regular skiing for the experienced skier looking for something more. If the slopes feel too crowded, then heli skiing trips are for you. There is nothing worse than planning a great day of skiing to find that the slopes are overrun and all the fresh tracks are gone in half an hour. What about the time you had your one winter weekend to ski to find less than perfect conditions? One of the advantages of skiing after being dropped off by a helicopter is that the tracks are always fresh, and, because you are higher up, the conditions are better and more consistent. A bonus is the helicopter ride that takes you to your drop off point. Experience bird’s eye views some of the most beautiful back country in Canada.

If you are taking the first of your heli skiing trips, consider Revelstoke and Golden, located about an hour apart in British Columbia. These two beautiful locations are considered to be the heli skiing capitals of the world, and if you are going to give something a try, you might as well start with the best. In the winter, European and North American ski enthusiasts flock to these skiing meccas for the almost always guaranteed awesome conditions: dry, light powder, a skier’s dream. This extreme sport was actually pioneered in British Columbia, so not only will you get the best conditions, you will experience it in the birthplace of the sport. In addition, these two main locales offer more than just awesome skiing. After a long day on the slopes you will deserve some relaxation at one of the excellent spas or a night of some fantastic food in one the many eateries.

When on a heli skiing trip there are so many options to choose from. Get your feet wet with a day tour to find out just how excellent this type of skiing can be. Once you are hooked, start booking your multiday trips; day after day of untouched snow and perfect conditions means a skier’s dream vacation. This skiing is an extreme sports enthusiast answer for a perfect ski trip.

Mitchell Strathford has been blogging about his heli skiing adventures for years now, and he loves sharing his experiences and knowledge of the sport with his followers. If you plan on going Heli Skiing BC, be sure to check out the latest packages from his favorite tour operator,  and get ready for the trip of a lifetime!

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