Travelling Down Under On Business

Every businessperson knows that presentation is among the most important elements of running business successfully. Whether you are selling a product or service, advertise your company in the media or you want to make a positive impact on your business partner, you cannot afford to make mistakes. Connections and good business relations that you make may benefit your future arrangements and deals. The truth is, your business success depends on many people, so you may want to maintain good impression that includes professional image, manners and etiquette.

Let’s explore the scenario when you fly to Australia to your business partner’s city for a series of meetings. Your company’s professional image building should start the moment you and your team step off the plane. If protocol calls for someone from your partner’s company to greet you at the airport, make sure that you wear business casual or business formal attire, but avoid jeans and t-shirts.

There is a lot to be gained or lost at the business meetings, as your partner’s opinion may change every little bit. So you might want to put that extra effort to make every meeting as important as the first one. Appointments should be scheduled in advance and Australians would expect that their partner always arrives on time and maintain eye contact throughout conversations. Aussie people aren’t accustomed to formalities, so you may wish to use first names at the meetings. Business negotiations are based on business, so don’t rush into developing personal relations ahead of time.

Now, professional and businesslike stance is always preferable, but don’t mix-up the previous calls, video calls and e-mails with in-person meeting. Remember that you’re dealing with people and an occasional drop of humor or a smile is welcome. Australians in general value sports, outdoor activities, cinema, music and entertainment. On the other hand, topics to avoid are religion, politics and historical conflicts. Although the primary language is English, expect a lot of slang and a thick accent. Since the majority of Australian population is of British or Irish ancestry, make sure to shake hands with everyone when greeting and leaving.

If you feel that the atmosphere across the meetings is getting stiff, you may want to consider organizing some of the appointments in a less formal environment, such as a pleasant restaurant. A change that would raise spirits in both parties. Take care that your business partners feel comfortable at all times. People would be amazed by how an informal meeting can make a swing in business negotiations and improve opinions. Your partners will certainly look at you through your business entourage, so think in advance and consider hiring the best Sydney escorts service there is.

Whatever you do, remember that you will get as much as you give, and never stop impressing your hosts. The future of your company depends on the good relations that are made continuously, and consider them as an investment. Above all, show your associates that you know your ropes and that you know how to do business in a natural and relaxed manner.

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